The Sovereign Global Act of Acceptance and Transfer of Assets

Ву the Right of the Sovereign, Ву the Right of the Absolute Owner and the Chief Regulator of the entire World Financial System from the Creator of the New Era, the Sovereign Intemational Treasury Ml transfers to the Chief Historical Bank, the Chief Regulator of the World Banking System, the General Manager for accounting, management and disposal of all World Financial Banking Assets to the World Sovereign То the Bank of the Order of the Hospitallers for placement with the right of accounting, control and management of all World Financial Banking Assets:

  • WORLD BANKAccount No. 01-00-01-4-ААА-777-СЗ-АМ-01 and all of its Sub-Accounts distributed among various banks in countries around the World.
  • WORLD BANKAccount No. 01-1-700-3516 222 777 8888 999 and all of its Sub-Accounts distributed among various banks in countries around the World.
  • Named accounts: "White Spiritual Воу",' "Spiritual Wonder Воу", "Spiritual Wonder Brothers", "Moming Star", "King David", "Prophet Muhammad", "Demas and Saint Timothy", "White Mongolia", "White Vatican", "White Eagle", "Maria Sinukuan or Divine Crystal", "Maria Banahaw or Divine Sunflower", "Maria Cristina or Divine Magdalene", "Maria Makiling or Divine Ester Egg", "Falcon", "Alpha-Omega" and all their Sub-Accounts located in various Banks around the World.
The World Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers
Information Instruction

Based on software adjustments and settings in the WSBOH banking system, including the activation of the new, reliable and stable International Payment System "M1 Swift", we ask all clients of the bank during the period of setting system measures "NOT ТО SEND" funds to their accounts opened in WSBOH.
We also inform all clients of the bank that financial transfers of clients to their WSBOH accounts are being processed, and they will be informed by electronic bank mail.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.